Consumer Wise

A review for Consumer Wise

Tuesday, 7th September 2021

Consumer Wise is a debt review company based in South Africa.
DC Reviews has reviewed them - keep on reading to learn more about them:

Company Summary

We pride ourselves on being the most consumer-friendly debt rescue option, always focused on maximizing debt recovery results, and strengthening our reputation as the friendliest debt relief company in the country. If you have debts and want to see your options, we invite you to find out how much you can save.

Review Overview

Here is some basic details about this review:

Site URL
Review by DC Reviews Management
Review Date 7th September 2021
Overall score 71%
Overall ranking #6
NCR Registration This DC is registered


Aggregated review data gives this DC the following scores:

Sign-up process
Customer Service

Contact Consumer Wise

You can contact this debt counsellor by the following means:

Other Debt Review Companies

Debt Solutions 4 U


Debt Busters

Zero Debt

Debt Care

Pioneer Debt Solutions



DC Experts

National Debt Advisors

Debt Rescue


Debt Guides

Debtco Group